We handle everything for you

See what lies beyond the surface of a link, before you share it with others through our powerful link previews.

What is an Open Graph

Open Graph allows websites to provide rich media content when shared on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. By utilizing Open Graph tags in your HTML code, you can control how information from your website appears when it's shared across various social media channels.

What is the image size for Open Graph?

Use images that are at least 1080 pixels in width for best display on high resolution devices. Facebook recommends using 1:1 images in your ad creatives for better performance with image link ads.

How to add OG tags in my site?

Use a free tool such as meta-toolkit.vercel.app to generate opengraph tags for your website, and copy the meta tags into the <head> section tag.

Why are Open Graph tags important?

People are arguably more likely to see and click shared content with optimized OG tags, which means more social media traffic to your website. They make content more eye-catching in social media feeds

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